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Serving Moms in Thayer County, Nebraska and surrounding areas 
Contact Us
At MOPS, we believe that better moms make a better world!
Mothering is hard, to say the least. And no mom should ever have to go through it alone! The moms who attend MOPS meetings certainly don't come because they have it all figured out! We're all in this journey together, in the same phase of our lives. We come to fellowship with other moms, and to gain from their insight, failures, encouragement, and prayers. We come to laugh, cry, and learn how to be the very best mom we can be for our kids. We come, sometimes, just to muster enough strength to push through for one more week... and to find solace in knowing that WE ARE NEVER ALONE. There are other women who know how you feel, and who are needing your companionship as well. Please join us on this journey of motherhood. 
We'd love to meet you. Consider yourself personally invited!!
Who Is MOPS For??
MOPS stands for Mothers Of Preschoolers and is a group for women who have children birth (or pre-birth, if you're pregnant) through kindergarten. 

Older moms whose kids are in high school (or perhaps out of the home) can also come participate as "Mentor Moms." These moms encourage the younger moms in their mothering, while sharing experiences and lessons learned from their own mothering journey.  

There is also a place for anyone who has a heart for young children, and would like to come volunteer to watch the children in our MOPPETS program as a ministry to the moms in the group. That is one of the great things about MOPS! Childcare is provided so each mom is able to focus on the topic at hand, as well as enjoy a couple of relaxing hours just having a good time with other local moms. 

Is KS/NE MOPS the right place for you?? 
Well the only way to figure that out is to attend one of our meetings! Please feel free to check out the Contact Us Page for meeting times and location, as well as our email address and facebook page information. You can attend up to 3 meetings free of charge. If you decide to join, there is a nominal $35 fee for the year. This covers childcare, craft supplies, materials, events, and also registers you for a MOPS International membership, complete with a magazine and email newsletter subscription full of mothering tips and ideas, and a great reusable bag full of MOPS goodies.